Family Day!

on Monday, February 16, 2009 at 10:17 AM

Saturday: 3 mile recovery run

Sunday: 15.6 miles at about 9:09 pace. This was about 3 miles more than i did last week and was the longest run I've done since the beginning of August of last year. The week was about a 10 mile increase in mileage (to 40 miles/week) so i planned to run this by keeping the HR below 160. First 3 miles was done at 9:27 pace, next 7.2 miles @ 8:56 pace and the last 5.4 miles @9:07 pace which was a bit of a fade at the end. The big bump in mileage was to try and get back into a training schedule. I've moved into week 4 of the 18 week plan of Pfitz to coincide with the Ottawa marathon. Week 4 is a 42 mile week and a 15 mile long run so that fit in well. I had considered trying to jump back into Pfitz' 12 week plan for Boston which would have required a 43 mile week with a 16 mile long run, but it requires a 5 mile LT run tomorrow and i'm not sure i'm going to be able to handle that. Even the plan I'm on requires a 4 mile LT run tomorrow which is going to be tough. Plus, the 12 week plan packs a lot of running into a relatively short period of time and i don't want to risk hurting myself. I'm obviously going to have juggle running Boston into the schedule but since I'll be doing it as a slow long run, it shouldn't be too difficult.

So it's a holiday up here in parts of Canada (ie, Family Day) and i have some time to catch up on some things. While surfing around this morning i noticed a new 10 mile race on April 5 that runs around the golf cart path on a local golf course. It's two weeks before Boston and the week after Around the Bay. I like doing interesting races so I signed up for it. They host a half and 10k road race in the fall, both of which I've done and it's a pretty well run event. It's a pricey at $90, but they are giving out a "first-class race jacket" which should partly offset the cost. I just hope that it's not plastered with sponsors logos. The training plan currently has a 20 mile long run planned for that day so a may end up swaping that with the previous week which only has a 14 mile long run as part of a recovery week.

