Last LT pace workout!!

on Wednesday, August 30, 2006 at 10:30 PM

I just spent the last 4 hours reading movie summaries for the film festival. I have to drop off my movie picks tomorrow after work, but I'm having a really hard time trying to decide on which days to take off.

I did 12 miles with 7 @ LT pace this morning. I remember looking at todays workout at the beginning of my training and wondering how I would ever be able to do 7 continuous miles at LT pace. I guess I've come a long way since that time. I wasn't sure this morning how this was going to work out after reading about Bob's trouble with his own LT run and recalling my miserable 12 mile long run a few days ago. The run actually went surprisingly well.

Lap Lap Time Avg
3 07:23.2 163
4 07:25.7 168
5 07:17.0 170
6 07:15.6 172
7 07:13.1 173
8 07:08.5 174
9 07:02.3 175

The HR was about perfect and I managed negative splits for all but the first mile and actually managed a PR somewhere in there since my average pace for this LT run is actually faster than my 10km PR. My knee is still giving me a bit of a problem though. It doesn't hurt during the run, but it's sore afterwards.

This was the last LT training run for this training session, though I do intend on doing both a half and a 10km as tune-up races so I will obviously have to revisit LT pace for those things. After this week, I enter the "Race Preparation" phase of Pfitz' schedule which moves away from threshold and endurance runs to speedwork and races. I hope the body holds up till taper time.


Iron Jayhawk said...

Nicely done :)

Triseverance said...

Great job dude, I am getting my ass kicked left and right this week. :)

Keep up the good work and I am looking forward to the race cycle far more then I was the LT cycle.

We are getting down to it now.

Ryan said...

Sweet splits!!! You're on your way with those numbers. I can relate to your comment around looking at the numbers early on. Never dreamed I'd be able to pull off all of these miles and speed work. Keep it up!
