30 Days 30 Posts, kinda

on Sunday, November 30, 2014 at 9:19 PM

Made it through to the end, with a few days of cheating, but hey I've posted more in the past 30 days than I have in the past 4 years so you take the good with the bad.   I won't be as prolific now that it's over, but at least there won't be any more cat videos.

I've spent some time trying to decide what races I want to do next year.  Think I will stay local and either do the Mississauga or Toronto marathon next year (May 3).  Learning towards doing Around the Bay 30k (March 29) and may do Harry's 8k, but that's the week after ATB so may not be in shape to do that.  Also looking at the Chilly Half (March 1), but I think that will be a week before decision depending on the weather.  There's also an MEC race on April 12 which I will probably do as well cause it's cheap. 

All this of course means that training starts the last week of December so I have to try and get my mileage built up prior to then and find a gym hopefully to get me through parts of the winter.  It's on!


Robin said...

It was nice to see you posting again! Enjoy some rest before taining begins.
