Back to the Gym

on Tuesday, November 18, 2008 at 11:31 PM

So it's gotten cool. Not quite winter like stuff, but just above freezing. I've been dreading going outside for a run. Went through my closet on the weekend trying to find all my winter running stuff. I know that one of these days I'll have to go outside to run in the cold, but that day was not today. I went to the gym. I haven't been to the gym in over 7 months (April 1 to be exact) and I've paid 7 months in membership fees and gained nothing in return. They must love me there. Well next year I'm going to quit the gym after Boston. There I put it in writing so it's going to happen!

So the injury seems to be getting better but I wanted to take it easy. Did in total about 6 miles. First 2 miles were at 6.2 miles/hr and then did 1 mile@6.3, 1 mile@ 6.4, 1 mile@7.0 and then the last mile@8.5miles/hr. Almost slipped while on the treadmill. While watching tv, i started to drift off to the side and the next thing I know I'm grabbing the side rail cause my shoe was half on the treadmill and half off. Oh well. With 7 months of treadmill rust, I suppose it was bound to happen.


Sonia said...

Good idea to take it easy, hope you'll recover way quicker than me. WEll I am still not recovered...
