Anyone there??

on Saturday, January 24, 2009 at 11:29 PM

Geez, it been a while. Here's an update. 37 miles for the first week of January and 38 miles the following week. I did 24 miles last week and I have done a big fat zippo this week. Training was going pretty good until this week. Some work things have come up and the crappy weather has been making running outside difficult. Though I was on an 18 week plan, I think i've missed too many runs. A 12 week marathon training plan would start this upcoming week but i don't think i will be able to run at all this week, so it'll be an 11 week plan at best.

I did sign up for the Around the Bay road race which is on March 29th. Looks like I'll be doing it at long run pace, though I may try to do it at my Boston pace which would get me under 2:15 which would allow me to receive a special medal.

My lack of posts lately and generaly non-existance in blogland has to do with my new company's web access policies. Previously, I could slip in the odd blog read at work since I only had to worry about people looking over my shoulder, but now the system allows the IT people to actually see what you're doing on your screen at any point in the day from whereever they happen to be which means no inappropriate use of companies internet resources. All this means is when I get home which has been pretty late lately, I have hundreads of posts to read through and if I skip a day, i end up with even more. I have to go through my subscriptions and cull some of them since I"m subscribed to about 300 different blogs. Not all of them are running blogs. At best, I end of skimming through them and looking at the pictures. Even if there is something interesting that i could comment on, it's usually a post that's several days old and I never feel right posting to an "old" blog post.

Things should hopefully get better after this upcoming week.

2008 Year in Review

on Friday, January 2, 2009 at 11:11 PM

I'll try and keep this short. 1665 or so miles for 2008 which is down from the 1825 or so I ran in 2007. The year was front-end loaded mostly because I BQ'd in May which caused me to slack off for the rest of the year. Did a bunch of races. Off the top of my head, 2 marathons, 2 halfs (as pace bunnies), two 10k's, a 9k, an 8k and about four 5k's. I think that's all of them.

2008 I guess will always be remembered as the year of the Boston qualifier and will probably be the fastest I will ever be. The amount of training required to get me there was a bit too much and since my BQ time drops by 5 minutes next year, I probably won't ever feel the need to go faster.

I don't really have any plans for this year. Other than Boston and mulling about a marathon in Hawaii, I have no real goals or races in mind. I still would like to break 20 minutes for a 5k and 42 minutes for a 10k and set a PR for the half in 2009, but will still be content if I just stay healthy.

May you all meet your running and personal goals for 2009! Thanks for reading.
